After the Break....
Ghosh..seems like its become a practise to let go off my write-up on the blogspace regularly. Wondered ever.. if I am so busy or acting busy to even visit this space. Anyways in a verge to break the practise, here I go, a post to brighten the week ahead.
Well, not sure why I am writing about this, but feels like I should go on..
SMILE - Illusion or Magical ?
* Universal language for communicating across .. people across the globe do not have different language to smile.
* language of forgivingness
* First expression of commune
* an inexpensive way of spreading out a humourous environ
* facial exercise which tones your facial bones without any "tax" to your wallet, reducing those unwanted wrinkles on your face.
* Not all creatures in this Solar system are gifted with a SMILE. Are they?
* language of love... an expression which conveys "I care for you.. dearly, heartily, eternally"
* Truly Magical - ask those people who throng for that one single expression from their beloved...Cuttiiee, Just Smile for me once they say
* ever wondered kids smile 40 times more than adults on a per day basis...
Smile can bring happiness to others and really make their day.. Keep Smiling .. who said its a million dollar smile.. naahhh its Priceless
chhooooo chwwweeetttttt
Pakku: "language of love... an expression which conveys "I care for you.. dearly, heartily, eternally"
Pramod: Buddy, change the last 3 words to Truely, Madly, Deeply"
I would rather hold onto both of it :-)
aah...!! those kiddos are juss chweet...!!
Smile...a curve that can make many things straighter...!!
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