Mid 20's in a Bachelor's life
"Bachelor" - many of the dictionaries define it as "a person who has never been married". True, I have seen married people get a Bachelor's degree in many of the spectrum of Earth. Does that boil down to say that, they are not married to that orbit. Are they or arent they ?
The moolah behind writing this blog, was my personal experience in these days of my Life. People or juntaa around you tend to associate you as a Bachelor, when you have successfully finished your Bachelor's degree (again an ambiguity) ..these are the days, when your adrenaline sprouts out at a supersonic pace. And you tend to do things in a more mature and so called systematic manner.
The joyous and gala time felt during the learning days tends to pour into your initial career life. You then try to find or conquer(to a certain extent) the like minded people in your vicinity. As it is the widely accepted truth, you tend more towards a lassie. And you start chatting, spending time in the same parameters as you spend time with the same gender of yours.
The intriguing mass around you, tends to find interest in each and every move of yours in a quest to find some moolah for gossip or behind the back stupid talks. Many a times, you tend to find yourself in a position where you are questioned "Kyuunn....Ho gayaa naa"? .. "But what ?"..With the traditional offset of India, people around you always try to make stories of it, so that there is some spice in their talks. Does any have time to indulge in the so called "Feelings and Sentiments arena".. not for me though
Youths of 21st century, usually concentrate on their career, than thinking of "How should I prove myself to her today? " they first think of stabilising their own career and think of their lifemate. My first advise to "out of the college" people, never indulge deep in feelings or relationships, until you feel that you are secure on your own feet (Now dont stand up and say I am firm on my feet)
On a weekend, what a blog to write upon.. I could go on sketching on this topic, but do not want to bore my audience so much.. Have fun and a nice weekend